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Contact Air Land and Sea Magazine.

“Manning’s descriptive narrative puts the reader firmly on the bridge of several ships, so convincingly that you can all-but feel the salt air and smell the marine diesel as the story rolls on.”

Brian Hartigan


Geraldton Guardian.

“Manning revisits a couple of popular ‘conspiracy theories’ and creates a few of his own, to paint a scenario as disturbing as it is enthralling.”

“Many times while reading I had to remind myself that ‘this is fiction’, so well has Manning constructed the web of secrecy surrounding the event.”

Gary Warner

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Sunday Times.

“Enduring Deception follows the last days of the Sydney and tells the story of a fictional American secret service agent involved in covering up the real story of the ship and its missing crew.”

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Community News

“Manning weaves facts surrounding the event together with conspiracy and fantasy to develop a tale of political intrigue in his book”

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Northern Guardian

“The book, Enduring Deception, controversially paints a chance encounter between the Sydney and the Kormoran that sets off a chain of events and political intrigue stretching all the way to the top of the Allied wartime governments.”